
Wikepage 2008.1 Opus 14 Hertzsprung-Russel is released!

As we announced before, last version of the Wikepage is ready now. This version is called 2008.1 Opus 14 "Hertzsprung-Russel" and it is the first release after 17 months (2007.2). After this release, new development team (Mr Jose N Medeiros and Mr Del Rudolph)will start to study a new wikepage engine. Please do not forget to visit us again. At least do not forget to control your admin Pages. Your wikepage will warn you for the new release at the admin page.

The recent version of wikepage is more stable than ever. Three important bugs are fixed. And now, you can view flash files and youtube in your site. Here is the changelog for the 2008.1.

  • Flash files are now supported,
  • YouTube video support,
  • Simple Banner feature is removed,
  • New 2008.1 theme.
  • Solved wrong fclose call. SF BUG: 1703523
  • Created default option to $type param on filter function. SF BUG: 1703529.
  • Solved XSS-Cross-Site Scripting bug. SF BUG: 1938445

You can download the Opus 14 from here outlink
